Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rest, Relax and Recouperate

This picture was taken at the Seton Home gala on March 5th. Since moving to San Antonio, I've supported the Seton Home. This year we were invited by a good friend to attend the gala. It was a fun evening and both David and I enjoyed it very much.

I had to have a surgical procedure on March 7th and since then I've been home recouperating. I won't go into boring details, but I'm alright and I'm doing better each day and regaining my strength. I'll go back to work in another weeks time. Life events bring some interesting twists and turns and this just happened to be one of them.

This weekend I was supposed to be on a scrapbook retreat with my friend Mechiel from Houston, but when the surgery came up those plans changed. At first I was very very sad about not being able to go, since I'd been looking forward to it, prepared and planned to have my projects ready for the weekend. After a while, I accepted it for what it now I will look forward to the next retreat...

In the midst of my resting at home, I completed my 3rd 12-week committment to a healthier life. I am amazed and let me say it again amazed that I've lost 89.5 lbs since July 22, 2010. My goal is to get to a healthy BMI. I've still got a way to go, but I'm taking a step back out of the hard core program that I've been on to begin to acclimate myself to a more normal lifestyle of eating. Excersize will be key, so it will be coming to the forfront. I've got to do the same thing with excersize that I did when I chose to go down this path. Make a decision and do it. It seems easy when you say it, but it isn't as easy as it sounds. I'll be praying for help in this area since I'm not sure I believe that I will excersize. I know I need to, and I want to continue my efforts in becoming healthier, but will I actually do it. In the beginning when I started this effort, I said for nearly two months...I'll believe it when I loose 30 lbs. So I guess it is something like that. I need to believe it about myself. Hey, I think I just counseled myself. Pretty funny!
Well I think that is all for now...Happy Spring!